Future research might examine matching patients to their optimal diet on the basis of other characteristics ( such as metabolic profile or genetics) instead of their preferences, the researchers wrote. 研究人员写道:未来的研究可能测试的是在其他特点(比如说新陈代谢图或遗传学)的基础上为病人搭配最佳的饮食,而不是看病人自己的喜好。
An optimal diet for preventing disease is a whole-foods, plant-based diet that is naturally low in animal protein, harmful fats and refined carbohydrates. 预防疾病的最佳饮食,是基于植物的全面膳食,其中动物蛋白、对人体有害脂肪,以及精制的碳水化合物含量天然就比较低。
Optimal diet, digestive enzymes, probiotics, and essential fatty acids are fundamental for treating stomach and intestinal problems. 最佳饮食,消化酶,益生菌和必需脂肪酸是治疗胃和肠道问题的根本。
To provide optimal levels of protective micronutrients, a diet must be vegetable-based, not grain-based. 要提供有保护作用的微量营养素的最佳数量,一个饮食必须是以蔬菜为基础的,而不是以粮食为基础的。
The optimal macronutrient composition of the diet in diabetes has not yet been established. 糖尿病的最佳饮食搭配尚未明确。
Therapeutic effect of growth hormone, glutamine and optimal diet for patients with short bowel syndrome 生长激素、谷氨酰胺、改良膳食对短肠综合征患者的治疗作用
Therefore the optimal ratio of foods in a mixed diet can be obtained by considering both its essential amino acid CRV and the amino acid score. 将食物的CRV与氨基酸分同时考虑,可得到混合食物的最佳比例。
Studies on evaluating the optimal nitrogen to sulfur ratio in the diet of Inner Mongolian White Cashmere Goats in fiber slow-growing period 山羊绒生长缓慢期日粮适宜氮硫比的综合评定
A Study of Nutrition Requirement fo a Lean Type Pig& Determination of Optimal Protein and Lysine Levels in Diet for Commercial Lean Type Pig Landrace X Beijing Black F_1 瘦肉型猪营养需要的研究&长白×北京黑F1代商品瘦肉猪饲粮粗蛋白质与赖氨酸适宜水平的探讨
Comprehensive evaluation of the optimal nitrogen to sulfur ratio in diet of Inner Mongolian White Cashmere Goats 内蒙古白绒山羊日粮适宜氮硫比的综合评定研究
A study of the optimal manganese level in a conventional diet for Ducklings 雏鸭饲粮锰适宜水平的研究
Therefore, according to fish growth and tissue concentration of these elements, the optimal supplement of manganese and cobalt in practical diet for young flounder were estimated at manganese 10~ 20 mg/ kg and cobalt approximately 0.8 mg/ kg. 根据生长和元素在组织中的含量,初步确定了以鱼粉为基础的牙鲆幼鱼实用饲料中锰和钴的适宜添加量分别为:锰10~20mg/kg,钴0.8mg/kg左右。
A study on the optimal manganese ( mn) level in a practical diet of broiler chicks 肉仔鸡实用饲粮中锰适宜水平的研究
Microcomputer Calculation of the Optimal Ratio of Foods in a Mixed Diet and its CRV of Essential Amino Acids 计算机计算混合食物最佳配比及必需氨基酸构成比效价
The optimal Cu requirement of Cashmere Goats during the cashmere no-growing period was 17.38 mg of Cu/ kg of diet by the methods of comprehensive experiment, net Cu requirement was 0.3126 mg of Cu/ d by the methods of quantitative factorial model. 综合法确定的非产绒期绒山羊日粮铜的适宜水平为17.38mg/kg,析因法确定的净铜需要量为0.3126mg/d。
Under optimal conditions of the diet and environment, it should be determined by the animals genetic potential to use energy. 在最佳饲料和最适环境条件下,饲料采食量取决于家畜利用能量的遗传潜力。
Studies on the optimal Ca and P levels in diet at the antler growing stage in 3-year old Sika Deer 三岁梅花鹿生茸期日粮中适宜钙、磷含量水平的研究
As a result, supplementing optimal level of cysteamine in the diet everyday can improve the nutrient digestibility and the nitrogen utilization. 因此,连续饲喂半胱胺可以提高绵羊对营养物质的消化率,增加氮代谢利用。
An experiment was conducted using a total of 120 20-week old Beijing Red commercial layers to study the optimal Mn level in a practical diet for brown-egg layers during a phase of 20-43 weeks. 选用20周龄的商品代北京红鸡120只进行试验,研究中型褐壳产蛋鸡在20~43周龄阶段实用饲粮中Mn的适宜水平。
The predication from the optimal diet model of classical foraging theory is that female wasps prefer to lay eggs in most suitable hosts for development of their offspring. 经典搜寻理论的最优膳食模型预测,产卵雌蜂应该选择最适于子代蜂发育的寄主种进行产卵。
It is proved by experiment that improved simulated annealing algorithm can enhance the system speed of the optimization of nutritional diet, and the result of the optimal nutritional diet surpasses traditional reconnaissance method obviously. 通过实验证明,应用改进的有记忆的模拟退火算法提高了营养膳食优选速度,得到的配餐结果明显优于传统的搜索方法。